Welcome to F.R.E.E. 4 Vets

Welcome to F.R.E.E. 4 Vets.  This program is designed to help veterans who are returning home from Iraq or Afghanistan. We know that rejoining civilian life after returning from deployment can be challenging.   The F.R.E.E. 4 Vets program helps you relearn skills that will be needed for success back at home, and may help you to feel more confident about your future.

The program has three parts and each part has workshops that will help you deal with four major re-entry issues that many veterans face: family, relationships, education and employment (F.R.E.E.). We know that no one returns from Iraq or Afghanistan unchanged and that’s why F.R.E.E. 4 Vets was developed with three parts and multiple workshops with specific skills chosen to help you with the changes. The first part of the program is to help you assess the changes that have taken place for you during combat; and if they are negative how to overcome them. The second part helps you move forward toward your goals. The third part focuses on your job and career goals and future plans.


The program is designed to let you read and review at your own pace, on your schedule.

We believe that F.R.E.E. 4 Vets is a valuable experience for returning veterans and we encourage you to register and try the program.  Your name is NOT required to register.  Most importantly, we thank you for your service to our Country.

Getting Started

Click Register at the top of the page to complete some information about yourself and create an account with F.R.E.E. 4 Vets. Your name is not required to register – all we ask are a few questions to help us understand general information about those who are participating in the program.  We do request your email address, so that we can recognize you when you return to the program and save for your use your bookmarks and progress in the program.  After registering, you’ll be able to login whenever you like to view the workshops.